Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Unreal OC - Episode 44 - Frozaffles

Click HERE to listen or download.

To save breakfast prep time, I've been trying to convince my kids that eating frozen waffles is better than if I were to toast them; Sadie is earning points; book recommendations, old movie reviews, fun facts, Ema got poked way too many times the other day; a birthday reminder gone wrong, and music podcasts that ROCK. . .or put you in a romantic mood.

Music podcasts mentioned in this episode, and a couple I forgot to mention, but are also excellent:
Books Mentioned:
Movies Mentioned:
Websites or other podcasts mentioned:
We'll be back within one month for another podast. Hopefully sooner. Thanks for staying subscribed!

- Tom

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Hiya Folks

Spent most of the day recovering from a nasty case of frostbite. Seems Ema had accidentally left the freezer door open last night and the whole house frosted up. The kids were fine because they had their feety jammies on, but mine were at the cleaners, and now the doctor says I may have to lose three toes on my left foot! It's a shame too because I really used those toes a lot.

Sadie, our Dachshund, was frozen like a pupcicle, poor little critter. We were able to thaw her out in the Jacuzzi though, so no animals were harmed. . .as they say.

Anyway, needless to say there won't be a podcast this week. Look for one next week though, because we've got some stories to share that will make you glad you never set foot in the O.C.

Thanks for checkin' in,
