HERE to listen or download.
In this
madcap episode, Ema and I recap our trip to
Santa Barbara, Tom is in love with Jane – the voice on his GPS, Nick gives us his top five favorite things about summer, listener feedback, Alli is A Lie, and how NOT to hang cabinets in your garage. All this and MUCH more packed into fifty-five minutes of jaw-clenching delight.Special Thanks to Ed Vawter for the nice intro to our show. Please check out his podcast:
Searching The Internet. You can find it here:
http://www.qdinformation.com/searching/Also, thanks to Barely from
Barely Podcasting for the audio comment. Barely recently discovered The Unreal OC from
Please check out
Barely Podcasting by clicking here:
http://www.barelypodcasting.comIf you'd like to leave us an audio comment, please do - call: 206.336.2857 or shoot us an email -
theunrealoc AT gmail.com Thanks!2857(206) 338-2857