We have an appointment with the head of the sarcoma unit at UCLA in two weeks. He wants to discuss treatment options. Other than that, it's a slow healing process with day-to-day slow changes. As I right this, in fact, she's creeping up behind me with her walker! "Oh, hi honey! Uhh. . aren't you supposed to be in bed?!?" She just gave me a resolute "Hmmmm. . ." a-la Marge Simpson, and toddled off down the hall. She can get around now! More than just from the bed to the can! Sorry honey - I mean the throne!
She'll hate that I mentioned that, but getting her riled up is part of her therapy - it's gets the blood flowing to the extremities.
That's all to report for now. I've installed intercoms throughout the house and she's using one to hail me at this very moment! I'm so busted.
See ya - keep the emails, cards and letters comin' We appreciate all the kind words !
- Tom